All In For America:

Congressman Adam Schiff

2309 Rayburn House

Office Building

Washington, DC 20515

Dear Congressman Schiff,

Having watched your inspired orations during the first impeachment trial, I think you realize the importance of fighting certain battles, no matter how foregone the outcome may appear to be. Like you, I also believe the stakes in the 2024 election could not be any higher for America and the World.

In light of these circumstances I am writing to propose a highly unorthodox and (on the surface, at least) seemingly far-fetched strategy to assure the continued survival of the American Experiment, as summed up in the above template for one possible campaign poster.

I was proud to vote for President Biden in 2020 and would just as proudly do so again in 2024. Unfortunately, I am in the extreme minority based on the opinions voiced by most of my family, friends, and (judging from every poll I have seen for several months, now) the majority of American voters.

If we were living in “normal” times, I would simply cast my vote for President Biden in 2024, hold my breath, and hope for the best. I would also continue to support your campaign for the Senate and wait until you decided that the time was right for you to run for President. With the stakes so high, though, and the downside risk so certainly catastrophic, I think we must all be willing to do and risk more to assure a favorable outcome.

I believe that your integrity, honesty, and commitment to good governance represents the epitome of how American democracy can and should work. Mr. Kinzinger’s Country First organization as well as his vigorous defense of our Nation’s principles against the attacks fomented by Trump, make it clear to me that he is the kind of Republican that prompted my father to advise me several decades ago to always: “Vote for the man, not the party.”

The two of you running together on a platform of National Unity would, I firmly believe, succeed in burying MAGA and Trumpism for good. It would also be an irresistible harbinger of good fortune by offering a return to civil discourse and common decency that the vast majority of all Americans, regardless of party, would enthusiastically embrace and support.

I realize that a great many obstacles would need to be navigated to get such a strategy off the ground, let alone bring it to a successful conclusion. But, as a great man once said: “It is within our power to take hold of the rudder, choose the future we want for our children and grandchildren, and, with the grace of God, make it so.”

Thank You for continuing service to our country and for your time today.


James P. Shafer

Friends, Neighbors, Countrymen . . .

Let’s face it: a LOT of them (many whom I personally like, admire, and respect) voted for Trump!


If we are to have any chance at all of bridging some of the deep and daunting chasms that currently divide us, I think we have to try to understand the rationale behind the decisions made by those intelligent and well intentioned fellow citizens who viewed the same set of facts yet came to radically different conclusions.

I should probably disclose up-front that I proudly voted for Barack Obama twice and would have just as proudly voted for him a third time if that had been an option.  I did so because in each of those two elections I believed that given the choices available, he was the candidate best suited for the Presidency.  It was NOT because I believed wholeheartedly in all of his positions and policies.

As a matter of fact, I absolutely LOATHE Obama-care: it has personally cost me several thousand dollars in higher insurance premiums and deductibles while significantly reducing the level and quality of care I am able to afford.  I also think President Obama made several serious mistakes during his presidency.  The most egregious was probably the failure to back-up his “red-line” ultimatum when the butcher Assad used chemical weapons against his own people.

So, I really DO get the frustration that many Americans felt with the status-quo and their strong desire to fundamentally change the direction that the career politicians in Washington seem content to follow.  I was also fervently hoping for a strong, fresh, “New Face” to emerge as a viable candidate.  I was particularly impressed by  Republican Governor John Kasich of Ohio and Michael Bloomberg, formerly the Republican Mayor of New York City and a “legitimate” self-made billionaire.

Had either one of these fine individuals emerged as the Republican candidate, my choice would have been very easy and very Republican.  Unfortunately, that’s not what happened.

As we all know, the choice came down to two almost equally repugnant candidates.  So – how did I make my own decision?

Well, during the course of the first presidential campaign that I can recall (at the ripe old age of six!) I asked my Dad why he decided to vote for Kennedy instead of Nixon.  I still remember his answer & his advice: “Always vote for the Man, not his positions and not his party”.  This was obviously way before a Woman could be considered as a viable candidate, but I’m sure he would have had no problem expanding his world view and his advice accordingly.

I have done precisely that in every election ever since.  Win or lose, I’ve never had cause to regret my choices.

In considering the only two viable candidates left standing in the 2016 election, I came to the conclusion that Hillary Clinton, flawed though she undoubtedly was, would be considerably less likely to do lasting permanent damage to the fabric and moral character of our Nation and its institutions.

Based on my knowledge of Donald Trump’s shady business dealings as well as his utter lack of any personal integrity, I viewed (and continue to view) him as an existential threat to the great and grand experiment in self-governance that we call America.

Just because a good many of my friends and acquaintances viewed the same set of circumstances but reached a completely different conclusion does that make them traitors, racists or “deplorables”?

Of course not.  As a matter of fact, given what is at stake here, I honestly hope that THEY were right in their judgement and that the analysis outlined above is dead wrong.

No matter how the national drama now unfolding before us works out though, we will NEED the best efforts and intentions of ALL American’s to heal the self-inflicted wounds that are now tormenting us and build a better, brighter future – together.



Die Hard Democrat Or Sore Loser?

Neither, actually:

As a matter of fact, in the nine previous presidential elections in which I have been privileged to cast my vote, I went with the Republican candidate four times, the Democrat four times and an Independent candidate once.  So, I think you can see that I am legitimately a “middle-of-the-road” type with no strong preferences for either of the political parties and no “hidden agendas” to pursue.

I think it is also worth noting that although my preferred candidate was not the winner in four of those previous elections, I had no problem at all accepting the results of those elections and lending my full support to the elected President.  Every single one of those previous 20+ candidates, of all political persuasions, clearly demonstrated in words and deeds their commitment to the Constitution and their genuine, unselfish desire to do their best for our Nation and ALL of its citizens.

To paraphrase the words of “Uncle Joe” Biden, I often questioned their judgement, but I never had cause to question their motives.

THIS Time, however, it IS different:

Throughout his campaign, during the transition, and even more stridently since January 20, Mr. Trump has repeatedly demonstrated his utter contempt for the lofty ideals enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.  The principles of Equality Under the Law and individual Liberty are either completely foreign to him or he has judged them to be unworthy of his time and attention.

His track record, stretching back more than 50 years, is highlighted by criminal discrimination against minorities, fraudulent business dealings and atrocious conduct towards women.  This history provides concrete proof that he lacks the strong moral character, unassailable integrity, and even the basic sense of decency that our Nation’s founder’s considered to be pre-requisites for any President.

The blatantly illegal and continuing conflict of interest between Mr. Trump’s many business holdings and his duties as our President cast serious doubt on his ability (or even his desire) to govern openly, honestly, and fairly.

Even more egregious is the increasingly obvious role played by Russia in thwarting the will of the American electorate and criminally interfering in our democratic process for the benefit of their “preferred” candidate.  In my view, this is the most troubling and the most damning of all the factors arguing against recognizing Mr. Trump as our Nation’s legitimately elected President.

In light of these circumstances, I believe it to be the duty of all concerned citizens to resist by all peaceful means this obnoxious “pretender to power” and his increasingly reckless policies.

This blog represents my best effort to do just that.