All In For America:

Congressman Adam Schiff

2309 Rayburn House

Office Building

Washington, DC 20515

Dear Congressman Schiff,

Having watched your inspired orations during the first impeachment trial, I think you realize the importance of fighting certain battles, no matter how foregone the outcome may appear to be. Like you, I also believe the stakes in the 2024 election could not be any higher for America and the World.

In light of these circumstances I am writing to propose a highly unorthodox and (on the surface, at least) seemingly far-fetched strategy to assure the continued survival of the American Experiment, as summed up in the above template for one possible campaign poster.

I was proud to vote for President Biden in 2020 and would just as proudly do so again in 2024. Unfortunately, I am in the extreme minority based on the opinions voiced by most of my family, friends, and (judging from every poll I have seen for several months, now) the majority of American voters.

If we were living in “normal” times, I would simply cast my vote for President Biden in 2024, hold my breath, and hope for the best. I would also continue to support your campaign for the Senate and wait until you decided that the time was right for you to run for President. With the stakes so high, though, and the downside risk so certainly catastrophic, I think we must all be willing to do and risk more to assure a favorable outcome.

I believe that your integrity, honesty, and commitment to good governance represents the epitome of how American democracy can and should work. Mr. Kinzinger’s Country First organization as well as his vigorous defense of our Nation’s principles against the attacks fomented by Trump, make it clear to me that he is the kind of Republican that prompted my father to advise me several decades ago to always: “Vote for the man, not the party.”

The two of you running together on a platform of National Unity would, I firmly believe, succeed in burying MAGA and Trumpism for good. It would also be an irresistible harbinger of good fortune by offering a return to civil discourse and common decency that the vast majority of all Americans, regardless of party, would enthusiastically embrace and support.

I realize that a great many obstacles would need to be navigated to get such a strategy off the ground, let alone bring it to a successful conclusion. But, as a great man once said: “It is within our power to take hold of the rudder, choose the future we want for our children and grandchildren, and, with the grace of God, make it so.”

Thank You for continuing service to our country and for your time today.


James P. Shafer

Past Performance . . .

. . . May not be a guarantee of future results, but it IS a pretty good indicator:

In the case at hand, Trump’s apologists in the GOP claim that the allegations for which Trump has been impeached were based entirely on ”hearsay” and represent nothing more than a desperate attempt by the Democrats to prevent Trump’s re-election in 2020. While patently false, these claims might be more believable if the offenses outlined in the articles of impeachment were totally out of character with Trump’s past conduct.

So, a brief re-cap of the President’s actual record in this regard (not hearsay, not baseless allegations, but actual history) might help those among us who are not professional politicians or pundits shed some meaningful light on the nation’s current conundrum:

The Federal Government’s 1973 lawsuit against Trump Management, Inc. (and its then 27 year old President, Donald J. Trump) for violation of federal fair housing laws is a pretty good “Leading Indicator” for a number of reasons. It is the first thoroughly documented example of Trump’s utter disdain for legality (not to mention morality) in his business dealings.

In his failed defense against those charges, Trump also clearly reveals the tactics and strategies he has deployed against all similar charges ever since. The facts were unassailable and clearly arrayed against him. On the advice of his notorious attorney, Roy Cohn, Trump counter-sued the Government, dismissed the well-documented testimony of the Government’s witnesses as “without merit”, and attacked the motives of the prosecutor’s as a personal vendetta against him.

Sound Familiar?

Then, despite vociferous claims that he would “never settle”, when the facts became known in the course of legal proceedings that stretched on for two years, Trump (still loudly proclaiming his innocence) did, in fact, settle the case on terms favorable to the Government.

The sad saga of the Donald J. Trump Foundation reinforces this pattern of self-serving and double-dealing with no regard for either the law or ethics. As with the earlier case, the evidence amassed by prosecutors (in this case the New York State Attorney General’s office), was overwhelming: Sixteen specific, well-documented instances of Trump and his family, engaging in patently illegal conduct including (among other charges):

  • Mishandling of funds raised for veteran’s causes
  • Failure to make pledged 9/11 grants
  • Receiving donation from a Ukrainian oligarch during campaign for president

This pattern of egregious violations started with the establishment of the Trump Foundation and continued unabated for nearly 30 years (!) until the foundation was forced to dissolve under court supervision last year and distribute its remaining assets (two million dollars) to charities approved by the court.

The short lived (2005 – 2010) scam labeled Trump University is another well documented, self-admitted example of Trump’s criminal pattern of behavior. Promoted heavily by the great man himself, the shell company promised untold riches to those willing to trust him to teach them the secrets of successful real estate investing. Despite Trump University having no academic accreditation and the multiple business bankruptcies in his own past, Trump and his larcenous cronies managed to defraud more than 5,000 people of up to $35,000 each for worthless “seminars” which were actually nothing more than high-pressure sales pitches for additional courses.

In the face of multiple criminal investigations and three Federal lawsuits, the con was finally dissolved in 2010 and in 2016 Trump (again after insisting on his own innocence and swearing he would “never settle”) was forced to pay twenty-five MILLION (!) dollars in damages to the victims of his scam.

Of course, the most recent and most extensively documented (in all 480 carefully compiled pages of the Mueller report) example of Trump’s perfidy is his behavior during the last presidential election and the ensuing investigation.

Trump openly invited the Russians to interfere with our presidential election on national TV. He carefully planned his campaign strategy to make sure he would achieve maximum benefit when they did so. When the nature and extent of his criminal conduct became impossible to ignore, he blatantly and criminally interfered with the government authorized investigation of the matter on ten separate, well-documented occasions.

His primary line of defense throughout the ensuing scandal has been the same one used by the twenty-seven year old rich man’s son when he was caught red-handed: scathing personal attacks on the individuals and institutions charged with enforcing the Nation’s laws and painting the legal proceedings against him as personal vendettas and “witch hunts”.

While Trump’s well documented and thoroughly proven past transgressions are likely to sicken any well meaning supporter of American Democracy, there IS a sliver of hope contained therein, as well:

In each of the past legal proceedings, Trump loudly proclaimed his innocence and viciously attacked those that would ensure that justice was served. He did so right up until it became obvious to all that his efforts would fail and that he was, in fact, guilty as charged. He then quickly “folded” his game and moved on to his next con.

To me, this appears to be both legitimate grounds for optimism concerning the eventual removal of tyrant Trump from office, as well as a valid strategy for achieving that vital goal as quickly as possible.

The legal pressure currently building against Trump must be increased rapidly and relentlessly until the Truth becomes damning and his ultimate fate unavoidable. If he runs true to form (as criminals inevitably do), he will then “cut & run” as fast as he can.

If you want to be able to look your children and grandchildren in the eye when this national nightmare has finally run its course, I encourage you to do whatever you personally can to hasten that day’s arrival.

Now Is YOUR Chance To Make YOUR Voice Heard:

Please see below for a plan of action we can all commit to.  If you agree, and would like to be able to say you actually DID something to help put a stop to this national disgrace, please post and share as far and wide as you possibly can, by whatever means possible, as soon as possible:

Have you been shocked, sickened and horrified that migrant infants and children are being kept in cages at for-profit detention centers at the U.S border?  Doctors who have been to these facilities have clearly stated that many of these children and infants are showing signs of malnutrition, dehydration and psychological trauma.  Just imagine how terrified they must be!

On a basic human level we should all be able to agree that babies and children should never be locked up, kept in cages and separated from their parents!  Wondering what you can do to help?

One of Mr. Trump’s claims is that the U.S. economy is “THE BEST IT HAS EVER BEEN”.  Get the President’s attention by exercising your power…your spending power!  You have the power to show Trump and the representatives in Congress how many of the American people are against the Trump Administration’s immoral and illegal immigration policies.

Let’s talk to Mr. Trump in the only language he seems to understand–money!  On July 26, 2019, to be designated as “Freedom Friday”, please pledge not to spend any money on that day and every Friday until migrant children are released from cages and reunited with their parents.

It’s as simple as that—just don’t spend any money on Fridays!  This is to call attention to the humanitarian crisis at the Border.

This is a grassroots movement so please help us spread the word!  Ask your family, friends and neighbors to pledge too!

Together we can make a difference!

Use these hashtags on social media:

#CloseTheCamps #FreedomFriday #Free Them Friday

One Choice:

July 23, 2018

“It’s very simple, very basic, very clear — it’s the entire package; this is a national referendum on Trump, an up or down vote on his presidency: vote Republican for the Trump program, all of it [or] vote Democrat to impeach him. Full stop. And the entire package means the entire package…You are either with Trump or you are against him.”
– Steve Bannon on midterm elections

A long time ago in a country far, far, away I was a young exchange student in Germany for my junior year in college.

Having pedaled my bicycle the length of that beautiful country a couple of years previously, I had developed an abiding appreciation for the warm hospitality of the people together with a deep curiosity regarding the odd twists and turns of their history.

I was eagerly anticipating an entire year spent getting to know the culture more intimately and trying to answer a few of my most basic questions. These mostly concerned the horrific cataclysm that befell the country and its citizens as a consequence of their support for Adolf Hitler.

The other thing I had developed a deep and abiding appreciation for was the multitude of welcoming Lokals, Tavernen, and other assorted watering holes each serving two or three local, unique, and utterly satisfying brews. More than the beer, though, was the way each Kneipe also served as a common gathering place for local residents of all ages and backgrounds to mix, mingle, and converse freely among themselves about topics great and small.

Oddly enough, it was my appreciation for this latter aspect of German culture that ultimately helped shed some light on the enduring conundrum posed by the former. Since my initial bicycling sojourn, I had constantly asked myself and others how such warm, welcoming and cultured people, obviously enamored of and personifying “Gemutlichkeit”, could stand by and allow over 6,000,000 of their fellow citizens to be systematically slaughtered at the whim of a madman.

Prior to my arrival in Freiburg for that year of study, the best answer I could pry out of any serious source (from my university professors to multiple history books) was that the entire country had somehow gone crazy during that period. Of course, this “answer” did nothing but pique my curiosity further.

In the course of my first few visits to “Kupi’s Kneipe” the local tavern (maybe a little too) conveniently placed between Freiburg University and the student dorms, I was careful not to press the issue, convinced that doing so would just yield the same non-answer. Eventually, though, I became more of a known, friendly face, and my German language skills gradually evolved beyond text-book level.

As I developed more than casual friendships with several of the other “regulars”, of all ages, the conversations gradually lengthened and deepened to cover a wide variety of topics, from the American tragedy in Vietnam (still relatively fresh & painful at the time), to Jimmy Carter’s prospects as President.

As my willingness to accept critical views and rationally consider opposing opinions became evident, the multiple layers of emotional armor that separated my companions from the deep personal trauma that had been inflicted on most of them forty years earlier were gradually shed.

The warm camaraderie of shared goodwill eventually had its desired effect and the conversations inevitably turned to the eternal, ever-present “elephant in the room” for every single Bürger who was alive during that period or born thereafter: the Nazi era.

After repeated doses of those legendary liquid anesthetics, the voices would become little more than a whisper. I’d lean forward to catch every phrase and nuance against the background noise of the pub. And then slowly, tortuously, the Truth (as they saw it, anyway) would out. Although stated many ways and using many different words, it ultimately boiled down to this:

‘Of course, what Hitler did to the Jews was wrong.’ they would concede. ‘But’, they would confide in voices even less audible, ‘he also did some good things for Germany’.

In the depths of the depression of the mid 1930’s, when finding enough food to keep themselves and their children alive was the first and only priority for most people, they were willing to overlook the egregious transgressions the Nazi’s made against the rule of law and basic human decency.

They were grateful for the initial improvements in the economy and the material benefits that they believed these improvements would yield for themselves and their families. Whatever twinges of conscience they might have experienced were permanently silenced as they witnessed the horrific fates met by any of their fellow citizens who dared to give voice to their objections.

They were willing to support Hitler (particularly in the 1930’s) because his policies, as reprehensible as they were in some regards, allowed them to feed their families and restored (fleetingly, as it turned out) a sense that “Law and Order” was being maintained.

Never having had to face a similar situation myself, I hesitate to say with any degree of certainty what I would do in those circumstances. I know what I’d like to think I would do, but I also learned a long time ago that an untested character trait is no more than a hope.

The basic flaw in the logic of those unfortunate souls only became apparent to the rest of the world by the end of World War II. As of 1978 it still had not been recognized or accepted by many of those who had lived through it:

When they supported the apparent economic benefits offered by Hitler and his National Socialist Workers Party, they were also supporting his clearly stated rabid antisemitism, his utter disdain for the ideals of Democracy, his commitment to “Lebensraum” at the expense of Germany’s neighbors, and the absolute, utter evil embodied by the madman and his minions.

Many of Germany’s decent citizens would have (had they been given the choice) JUST supported the economic policies which they honestly believed would benefit themselves and their families. What they failed to comprehend, though, (in 1932 and all the way up to 1978) is that the choice they would have preferred was NEVER part of the deal offered by Hitler and his band of murderous thugs.

They didn’t get to pick and choose between policies and outcomes. In the end they had only ONE choice to make and only a very small window of time (1930 to 1932) in which to make it. To paraphrase, courtesy of Mr. Bannon:

“It was very simple, very basic, very clear – it was the entire package; a national referendum, an up or down vote on Hitler: vote NAZI for the Hitler program, all of it [or] vote for the coalition to stop him. Full stop. And the entire package meant the entire package…You were either with Hitler or you were against him.”

In what may prove to be an even more foreboding similarity, Hitler was able to gain and consolidate his power during this period with the support and acquiescence of traditional conservatives within the government who were convinced they could reap the political benefits of supporting him while controlling the baser instincts of him and his party.

Those current-day Republican Senators and Congressmen who think they can just support a few of the aspects of Trump’s agenda that they happen to find appealing while ignoring his utter disdain for Democracy, his totalitarian instincts, and his glaring lack of even the most basic aspects of common human decency face the same simple choice:

  • When they are supporting Trump’s tax bill, they are also unequivocally supporting his cruel and brutal child separation policy.

  • When they applaud his choice of Supreme Court justices, they are also unavoidably lending their moral authority to his blatant racism, extreme misogyny, and small-minded bigotry.

  • The rollback of Federal workplace and environmental regulations for which they smilingly share credit guarantees that the basic checks and balances which have guaranteed the stability of our country for 200 years will inevitably face the same assault.

  • Their coordinated efforts at voter suppression by any means possible telegraphs their willingness to turn a blind eye to his deep conflicts of interest and his relentless assault on the Department of Justice.

  • The rueful expressions and rolling of eyes with which they greet each outrageous, lying tweet inevitably condone his attacks on the free press and the traditions of civil discourse which are the bedrock foundations of our Democracy.

  • Their sheep-like acquiescence to the insults and injustices he has heaped upon our Nation’s steadfast allies, legitimizes his obsequious “bowing & scraping” in front of the worst tyrants and most bloodthirsty dictators of our time.

Of course, we have the benefits of 20/20 hindsight that my companions from Kupi’s did not.

We can see, as History has proven repeatedly, and as Steve Bannon has put it so succinctly:

As a nation, we have ONE choice to make.

I KNOW which side of History I choose to stand on.  How about you?

An Open Letter to PA Senator Patrick Toomey:

Dear Senator Toomey,

When I originally wrote to you shortly after the election in 2016 to express my grave concerns about the suitability of the then president-elect for the position he had gained under very suspicious circumstances, you quite diplomatically made note of Hillary Clinton’s own thoughts on the matter:

When talking about the President-elect during her concession speech, Hillary Clinton said that “we owe him an open mind and the chance to lead” and that she hopes “he will be a successful president for all Americans.”

You went on to state: “I agree with her sentiments and look forward to working together to help improve the lives of all Pennsylvanians”

Those were noble sentiments from both of you and I honestly hoped the sense of optimism and decency that each of you expressed would be borne out by future events.

For the past 18 months, though, we have all been watching and waiting for that man, occupying the most powerful position on the planet, to grow-up and grow into the grave responsibilities of his office. Every day the lies, the scandals, the corruption, and the cruel brutality of the man and his coterie of self-serving cronies become ever more evident and more destructive to the values and ideals shared by ALL Americans of every political persuasion.

His latest and most blatant act in defiance of the oath that he swore to protect and defend the Constitution proves beyond any doubt (to anyone with the courage to face the truth) what many of us have suspected all along: He is NOT our president.  He IS (either willfully or through sheer, arrogant ignorance) an agent of a foreign and hostile power.

In light of these facts, I would like to remind you of the parting thought you expressed in your letter to me from January 27 of 2017:

as well as standing up against the President-elect when he does not carry out his duties appropriately.”

The italics are mine as is this question: Precisely when do you intend to stand-up against this traitorous debacle of a man?  Words will no longer suffice.  Action is required of you and all those who put the good of our country first.

As your Constituents and your fellow Americans, we are waiting.


James P. Shafer

What So Proudly We Hailed . . .


Four years ago today my Wife and I were visiting the West coast from our home near Philadelphia.  My niece had gotten married at the end of June and since my Wife had never been to California we took the opportunity to see some of that State’s splendors.

We happened to be staying with my sister and her husband in Cupertino, CA (in the apple red heart of Silicon Valley) over the July 4th holiday and so at dusk we were all dutifully trudging to the municipal park to ooohhh and aahhhh over the local fireworks display.

Even during the walk to the park, and in spite of the diffuse light of dusk, I couldn’t help but notice that our small group of pale-skinned W.A.S.P.’s formed a distinct minority.  The neighbors streaming out of the trim, well-kept homes in the community represented just about every country, culture, and ethnic group on the planet except ours.

Although I grew up in Southern California, I hadn’t spent any appreciable time there for several years and had never made anything other than brief business trips to the San Francisco area.  Of course, I knew about the super-conducting magnet that the tech giants in the area had become for the best educated and most ambitious people on the planet.  It’s one thing to read about this tectonic cultural shift on the printed page, though, and quite another to be walking in the midst of it.

Once we arrived at the park and settled in to await the nightfall, the remarkable variety of the neighboring family groups became even more apparent:

There were California’s ubiquitous Latinos of course, chattering away happily across multiple generations and extended family members.  There were also more reserved but equally large and extended families from India whose sparkling eyes and ready peals of laughter belied their calm and controlled demeanor.  Several large groups of West-Indians, distinguishable by their lilting, musical dialect, were sitting cheek by jowl next to Asians of every persuasion, from golden-hued Chinese with their carefully controlled children, to rambunctious groups of Filipino’s whose waves of raucous mirth soared above the murmur of the rapidly increasing crowd.

I exaggerate only slightly when I say that the nearest island of participants that looked or sounded even remotely like our own small group was probably about 50 feet away through that multi-hued tide of Humanity.  Even more remarkable to me was, apart from the utterly unique composition of the crowd, how similar they were to every other crowd gathered to observe every other display of fireworks I had attended on every other Fourth of July over almost sixty years.

The guys were mostly quiet, exchanging occasional pleasantries with their neighbors.  The women chattered ceaselessly among themselves while keeping watchful eyes on their children.  None of them seemed to be concerned (or even aware) that each family grouping, like our own, was more or less an isolated island in the midst of people distinctly UN-like themselves.  If it mattered to any of them you certainly couldn’t tell from any outward indication.

As the last vestiges of the setting sun faded from the evening sky and an expectant hush settled over the assembled throngs, the reason for this placid demeanor was made dramatically clear (to me, at least, my fellow audience members had probably known it all along):

From the far corner of the park, almost simultaneously with the setting of the sun, came the very faint but unmistakable strains of our National Anthem.  As far as I could tell there was no scratchy recording or strained rendition emanating from a public address system to trigger the event.  This was entirely spontaneous (or maybe an annual tradition, which in my eyes would make it even more powerful).

As the well-worn musical phrases rolled over the crowd, EVERYBODY on that field rose in unison (more like leapt to their feet, actually!) and joined-in.  The Chinese grand-mothers were helped to their feet by their daughters.  The Guatemalan infants were hoisted onto their father’s shoulders.  The Indians and Filipino’s stood tall, they stood side-by-side and they SANG!

This wasn’t the barely audible, mumble-under-your-breath while shifting your eyes self-consciously and hope it ends soon kind of singing (so often displayed by native born Americans at football games and other public events), either.  This was stand tall, breathe deep, let-loose and belt-it-OUT!  The song swelled from the assembled hearts and soared triumphantly into the night sky.

The all-engulfing wave of sound that resulted from thousands upon thousands of unique, disparate voices all united in loudly proclaiming and joyfully affirming the most basic emotions treasured by generations of Americans drove home the sacred ideals of our Nation like nothing else I have ever experienced before or since.

It didn’t matter to ANY of those patriots where their neighbors had come from.  They couldn’t care LESS about what language was spoken in those neighbors homes or whether Allah, Buddha, or God knows who-else was worshiped by them.  It didn’t matter how each individual had come to be there or what they had chosen to leave behind in order to stand proud on that field, that night, and sing their hearts out in sheer gratitude for the opportunity this country represented for their own future and that of the children and grandchildren whom they cradled in their arms.

As one of those aforementioned native born Americans, I have often wondered whether I would have the intestinal fortitude demonstrated by my great-grand fathers to leave EVERYTHING behind, and strike out for an utterly foreign land based only on the hope that it might prove to be a better place for my children and grandchildren.  I honestly don’t know the answer to that.

But, now I DO know, based on personal experience, that there are literally thousands of strong, courageous, and admirable people who DO make that decision every day and every year.  Given the wealth of talent, dedication, and ambition represented by that random assemblage of ordinary citizens (and future citizens), it is also self-evident that we, as a country, are vastly improved by their presence and their unflagging dedication to the ideals upon which our nation was founded almost 250 years ago.

Given the turbulent times in which we are now embroiled, I find one other aspect of this annual event to be of even greater import:  Even more than a country of laws, we ARE a country united by shared ideas and ideals such as: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.  We proudly proclaim that ALL men (& women) are created equal.  Being Human, we often fail to live up to these ideals, but we hold to them, nonetheless.

As we are now witnessing, laws can be subverted.  Entire governments can be hi-jacked and corrupted by those with greed in their minds and hate in their hearts (yes, even in these United States of America, as hard as that may be to believe).  As has been stated many times before, though, “You can’t kill an Idea”.  Noble Ideals have proven to be even more indestructible.

When the current crop of corrupt and conniving politicians have come to their well-deserved and unavoidable end, the ideals expressed in loud, joyful chorus by that multitude of proud citizens will inevitably re-assert themselves and help right the ship of state that has been so badly battered by the storms of ignorance and intolerance which currently threaten us all.

I can claim no more credit for being among them four years ago than I can claim for my incredibly good fortune in being descended from other, earlier immigrants who shared AND demonstrated by deeds the same unshakable commitment to the ideals upon which our nation was founded.

I CAN state unequivocally, though, that I was proud to stand straight and tall among my fellow Americans on that night in that place and express with them, at the top of my lungs, my sheer, unadulterated joy to be living in these United States.

Lady Liberty 2


The Peculiar Power of Truth:

Unobtrusive enough that it is hard to precisely define, yet so pervasive that it directly effects the outcome of EVERY Human endeavor . . .

So unassuming that it can easily be drowned-out by those spouting “Alternate Facts” as the basis for their preferred reality, yet so unrelenting that it eventually outlasts and overpowers ALL falsehoods and fabrications . . .

Often so ephemeral that those who ignore its consequences feel emboldened to deny it entirely, but powerful enough to support the history, institutions and destiny of any Nation committed to its ideals . . .

Quiet and muted in its manifestations but unflinching and overwhelming in the judgements it renders against those who betray it . . .

Easily dismissed as irrelevant by the arrogant, ignorant, poor excuse for a human being that fools himself into thinking he is worthy to lead this great Nation, yet a potent, unrelenting, and omnipotent foe that will inevitably escort Trump, his congenitally corrupt family, and his boot-licking minions in the Republican Party to the ash heap of history where they so rightly belong.

We are now in the middle of a long and arduous struggle to banish these parasites from our Nation’s highest offices.  We seek to reclaim the heritage that previous occupants of these institutions (of every stripe and political party) have fought so nobly to protect and defend.  Given the daily attacks mounted on our collective ideals, it is easy to become discouraged and dis-heartened.

Take heart, though, for:

By now, even Trump knows in his soul that his downfall and disgrace is inevitable.  His ever more tenuous grasp on reality and frantic casting about for others to blame for his own fatal flaws are all the evidence that any of us needs that he WILL eventually be defeated – by the TRUTH!




“For the Want of . . .” (with apologies to Ben Franklin):

For the want of a Soul, Honor is lost,
For the want of Honor, Honesty is lost,

For the want of Honesty, Trust is lost,

For the want of Trust, the President is lost,

For the want of a President, the Nation is lost,

And all for the want of a (single) Soul.

You may think it far-fetched (as most of our elected representatives from the Republican party apparently do).

If you think about what has REALLY made America one of the greatest Nation’s in History, though, you may begin to see what I mean:

It has not been our military strength.  With no disrespect intended to the members of our armed forces, we have fought and won most of the wars in our past from the position of the unmistakable under-dog.

The one notable loss, in Vietnam, was despite our vastly superior military power and the horrific sacrifices made by the soldiers we sent to fight on our behalf.

It has not been our economic power.  For most of our history we have been largely an agrarian economy, squarely in the also-ran category.

And even though our Nation’s Founders were uncommonly wise and well-intentioned, our laws and national institutions (often cited as the source of our strength), have frequently proven to be fallible and insufficient.

Think of the blight of slavery and the illegal incarceration of U.S. Citizens of Japanese descent during World War II, not to mention the more recent failing of the Electoral College to function (as intended) as the emergency brake on the disastrous outcome of a general election.

As a Nation we HAVE been favored with tremendous natural resources, a strong tradition of hard work and self-reliance, and a citizen-army that has heroically pulled our fat from the fires of tyranny and destruction more often than we can count or have any right to expect.

What has really distinguished us, though, from the long-line of nation states which have risen (and fallen) before us, is our “Soul” as a Nation.  That is the True source of whatever greatness we have attained in the past (and hope to regain in the future).  It is embodied by our shared ideals and aspirations, even if we don’t always live up to them.

It is not that we are always and infallibly exceptional among the Nations of the World, past and present.  As the degenerate who currently occupies the highest office in the land has delighted in pointing out (and actually exemplifies), we frequently fall far short of the standards by which we measure other nations and their Leaders (or rulers as the case may be).

That Soul, though, is the spark that has fired the courage of countless Minutemen, Infantrymen, Doughboys, and G.I.’s facing overwhelming odds in all corners of the globe throughout our history.

It is the source of the ambition which relentlessly drives our fellow-citizens to improve their own lives in pursuit of a better future for themselves, their children, and the World as a whole.

It is what has drawn countless millions of destitute but strong-willed and stalwart souls to our shores, making themselves and all of us immeasurably richer by any standard you can think of as a result.

It is why we stand up to bullies (individuals or nations) rather than join them – because there are many who have tried to bully US.

It is why we root for the underdog – because we have quite often BEEN the underdog.

It is why we, as a people, are drawn to honest effort, fair play, and civil behavior among and between ourselves and our neighbors – because many of us, directly or through our forebears, have borne the scars of corruption, malfeasance and injustice.

Most of all, it is THE defining trait which, in spite of our many failings and shortcomings, has marked America as an unmistakable and indispensable force for good throughout most of our History.

AND – it is the one trait that our current leader (aided and abetted by the party for which he is the chosen standard bearer) so obviously, irrefutably and catastrophically lacks.

As a Nation we have proven time and time again that we are able to shoulder any burden, overcome any hardship, and defeat any foe of Liberty.  Thanks to that shared “Soul” inculcated in all of us, we have faced those challenges with bravery, steadfast determination and more confidence than a rational people should be able to muster.

The one enemy we have not had to face until now, though, is an elected president who neither shares our commitment to those lofty ideals nor even believes in them.

How we, as individuals and citizens, respond to this threat will surely determine the fate of our Nation – as surely as the want of a horseshoe nail determines the loss of a kingdom.

“The Time To Hesitate Is Through” . . .

No, I didn’t vote for him, but I WAS willing to give him a chance.  Mostly because the stakes were so high and I really did not and still do not relish the thought of watching ANY American President fail.

Responding to one of my letters, the senior Republican Senator from my state wrote to me shortly after the inauguration to say that the newly elected president deserved our respect and the right to choose his cabinet, (although he seemed to be picking people intent on destroying the very institutions they were supposed to be leading).  I had my doubts, but figured that the well-respected and very experienced Senator probably knew more about the situation than I did.

When the Speaker of the House assured the country that the president was just unfamiliar with the legal, moral, and ethical standards required of ANY elected official in this country I was, I admit, more than a little skeptical, put trusted that the Republicans (several of whom I have voted for on many occasions) wouldn’t jeopardize the survival of our Democracy for any perceived short-term political advantage.

As the unyielding assault on every value that we as a Nation share and hold dear continues from the Oval Office, I have been waiting for the fabled “Party of Lincoln” to rise above their partisan bickering and vacuous posturing to take a united stand against the barrage of lies and atrocities being committed daily in their name by their standard bearer.

Until a couple of weeks ago, one true American Hero, John McCain was the only Republican Senator with the courage and conviction to stand consistently against Trump’s malicious lies and mean-minded, dearly held ignorance.  Now, freed from the need to run for re-election, Senator Bob Corker seems to have simultaneously found his moral compass and his voice of reason.

Both of these gentlemen are to be commended for having the courage to face the Truth and address the very real danger that Trump’s continued occupation of the Oval Office poses to our country and the World.

To those timid Republican souls who profess to be our elected representatives but refuse to accept the responsibility implicit in the solemn oath they swore upon taking office:

You may have forgotten your pledge, but “We the People” have not.

Perhaps you have calculated that your egregious abdication of responsibility will be forgiven if only you can continue to deal with the devil in the White House long enough to move ahead with a few favored pieces of your conservative agenda.

Will you still feel the same way when this wreck of a president whom you have been implicitly supporting and enabling finally faces his first serious, Life or Death test as our Nation’s leader?

Whether it be on the Korean Peninsula. in the streets of Tehran, or somewhere else that isn’t even “on the radar” yet,  you know that test is coming and so do I.  You know with the same dread certainty that I feel in my gut, (and that is shared by John McCain, Bob Corker, Rex Tillerson, and most other sentient beings on the planet) that Trump’s abject failure in the face of such a crucial test is a foregone conclusion.

A man so accustomed to and comfortable in the gutter cannot be expected to rise any higher.

As a truly concerned citizen of the Nation that was once considered “Indispensable” for the continued peace, prosperity and well-being of the civilized World, I ask that you dispense (at least temporarily) with your ill-fated quest for short term political advantage.

Act now for the common good and the general welfare of the country.  Use the power that has been vested in you by your fellow citizens.  Break the grip that this unaccomplished parasite has on the very throat of our Democracy and return him to the gutter from whence he came.

“We the People” are waiting and the World is watching.



We Are Under Attack And Our President Is Leading The Charge Against Us

First and foremost, the duty of our Nation’s President is to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.

Polls, politics, policies, and agendas are all faint and far distant priorities compared to that central tenet contained in the solemn oath sworn by this and every other President since the founding of our Republic.

Allegations of collusion between members of trump’s cronies and cyber-forces under the direct command of Vladimir Putin during last year’s Presidential campaign are (as yet) unproven and will not be debated here.

What is beyond dispute, though, in the well informed and carefully considered judgement of our Nation’s Intelligence and Security professionals is that those forces (patriotic individuals according to mobster & murderer in chief Vladimir Putin) launched a prolonged and systematic attack on America’s most cherished and admired birth-right: Free and Fair Elections.

So how does the individual who freely assumed responsibility for defending that right (along with all others enshrined in our Constitution) against all enemies foreign and domestic react to this assault?

By questioning the intelligence, integrity, and motives of those dedicated individuals who have made it their life’s work to make sure that our “President” has the information he needs to protect us all in an increasingly dangerous confrontation with our most implacable foe in decades.

Although the Putin’s mobsters have repeatedly been caught red-handed using the same tactics of massive dis-information, phishing and hacking schemes to challenge and subvert the democratic process throughout the Western Democracies, trump (despite earlier half-hearted admissions to the contrary) continues to push Putin’s party line that “nobody really knows” who is behind the carefully targeted attacks on our most fundamental institution.

The President of the United States said last week that only four of our Nation’s seventeen Intelligence and Security agencies agreed with the assessment that the Putin’s henchmen were behind the cyber-attack that called into question the credibility of last year’s election.  What he declined to mention, though, is that those four agencies (the FBI, CIA, NSA, & DNI) are THE organizations within our Government that are specifically tasked with protecting our Nation and our system of government against such threats.

It is obvious that the stalwart members of those U.S. government agencies take their oaths and responsibilities a LOT more seriously than does their “Commander In Chief”.

This is NOT a matter of party affiliation.  It is NOT a case open to different interpretations or “alternative facts”.  Policy differences and political agendas have no bearing on this matter.

The state sponsored corruption machine designed and operated by Vladimir Putin has attacked the United States and most of our Allies at the very core of our Democratic institutions.  They have been caught doing so repeatedly by those whom we have entrusted with the defense of our Nation.

Our “President” has openly denounced those dedicated patriots who defend us against these attacks.  He has clearly, repeatedly, and unequivocally defended those who would destroy our system of government as well as the U.S. Constitution in which the principles of that system are enshrined.

“Whose side is he on, anyway?” would be a pretty fair question in light of these circumstances.

It is also, unfortunately, an entirely unnecessary question as trump has already demonstrated through both words and deeds that he is leading the charge against us.