Now Is YOUR Chance To Make YOUR Voice Heard:

Please see below for a plan of action we can all commit to.  If you agree, and would like to be able to say you actually DID something to help put a stop to this national disgrace, please post and share as far and wide as you possibly can, by whatever means possible, as soon as possible:

Have you been shocked, sickened and horrified that migrant infants and children are being kept in cages at for-profit detention centers at the U.S border?  Doctors who have been to these facilities have clearly stated that many of these children and infants are showing signs of malnutrition, dehydration and psychological trauma.  Just imagine how terrified they must be!

On a basic human level we should all be able to agree that babies and children should never be locked up, kept in cages and separated from their parents!  Wondering what you can do to help?

One of Mr. Trump’s claims is that the U.S. economy is “THE BEST IT HAS EVER BEEN”.  Get the President’s attention by exercising your power…your spending power!  You have the power to show Trump and the representatives in Congress how many of the American people are against the Trump Administration’s immoral and illegal immigration policies.

Let’s talk to Mr. Trump in the only language he seems to understand–money!  On July 26, 2019, to be designated as “Freedom Friday”, please pledge not to spend any money on that day and every Friday until migrant children are released from cages and reunited with their parents.

It’s as simple as that—just don’t spend any money on Fridays!  This is to call attention to the humanitarian crisis at the Border.

This is a grassroots movement so please help us spread the word!  Ask your family, friends and neighbors to pledge too!

Together we can make a difference!

Use these hashtags on social media:

#CloseTheCamps #FreedomFriday #Free Them Friday

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