We’re So Sorry Eric & Ivanka …

That (in Eric’s case) you’ve: “Never seen hatred like this”; Or, in the words of Ivanka: “There is a level of viciousness that I was not expecting”.

It’s just that when you blatantly leverage you father’s name (with his explicit support and encouragement) to increase the revenue and net worth of your family’s business empire in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution which your father took an oath to protect and defend, some folks tend to get just a tad touchy.

When your father goes out of his way to insult world leaders who have stood by us in the darkest of times while warmly embracing the most blood soaked and corrupt dictators alive, some people might forget their manners.

When each of you, personally, feel free to trample the anti-nepotism laws and ethical standards which are designed to protect the rest of us from greedy and rapacious parasites of the type that you now personify, yes, some of us DO get a little hot under the collar.  Try to understand.

When the corrupt, crony capitalists appointed by your father to be the guardians of our democratic institutions use their offices to enrich themselves while systematically dismantling the very agencies they are supposed to be managing for the benefit of the people who pay their salaries, tact tends to fall by the wayside.

When your spouse tries to circumvent the safeguards designed to protect us all by surreptitiously establishing direct contact with what is in-arguably our country’s most dangerous foe, some of us might fail to see the big picture.  We don’t mean to be disrespectful of your obviously superior intellect.

Some of us DO take it personally when your father blithely dismantles long standing international agreements, turns a blind eye to the on-going atrocities committed by his strong-man heroes, and works tirelessly to destroy America’s hard won position as the political, economic and (most importantly) moral leader of the world’s democracies.  Please forgive us.

When the defining moments of your father’s term to date have been the blatant lies, mis-representations and vicious attacks against anyone with the temerity to raise a dissenting opinion, diplomacy might be one of the first victims.

When the very moral precepts upon which this country was founded and for which thousands of our fellow patriots past and present have paid dearly in blood, are heedlessly ignored in your father’s blind pursuit of fame and personal attention, I’ll admit it, even I tend to neglect the niceties of social discourse.

When every day that your father remains in the office for which he is so obviously unsuited brings evermore egregious damage to the reputation and standing of the great nation we all aspire to be part of, patience tends to wear a bit thin.  I understand that’s no excuse for offending your tender sensibilities.

We’ll all try to be more careful and considerate in the future.

Feel better now?





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