Disagreement Does Not Mean Disrespect

“If the intent is not peaceful this is not the event for you,” said Mark Skoda on the stage (in Nashville, TN) . . . According to , and published in USA TODAY, where the following comments were also recorded:

“We are all Americans, we need to come together,” said Richard Saunders of Robertson County (TN) . . .

“We are the silent majority,” said Diane Simpson, of Leonardo (NJ). “We are people that normally don’t demonstrate, but when we have to, we can.” . . . As reported by Craig McCarthy of NJ Advance Media for NJ.com

“We need to rediscover the soul of America,” said Ronald Gawronski, in Miami, FL, according to a news report on CBSMiami.com, “The feeling of who we are as a people.”

Sound familiar?  Maybe even inspirational?  These were some of the voices heard at the Pro-Trump rallies held around the country this past weekend.

And while the unfortunate (and bloody) confrontations in Berkeley, CA were what commandeered all the headlines and video coverage, NPR was able to confirm that:

“. . . For the most part, however, the demonstrations have been peaceful — and in Austin, at least, charitable as well. The Austin American-Statesman notes that pro-Trump “attendees are told to bring donations for the homeless and veterans, such as canned goods, clothing, blankets and hygiene products, according to the [organizers’] Facebook page.”

All of the above confirm my strong conviction that among Americans (even those who in good faith and with the best of intentions backed a different candidate than I did), there is much more that unites us then divides us.

A strong moral compass, a deep rooted concept of honesty and fair play, and a shared commitment to the rule of law and peaceful resolution of our legitimate differences are all clearly evident in the sentiments and actions described above.

I’d like to commend these fellow Americans and those who share their views for their dedication to our shared ideals and their commitment to the welfare of the Nation we ALL love.

While I did not vote for the same candidate that you chose, in “normal” circumstances I would willingly give the new President (whether my preferred candidate or not) my loyalty and support.

The reason I respectfully disagree with your well-intentioned support for the current occupant of the White House, though, is that it is becoming increasingly and unavoidably obvious that he does not share the values and ideals to which both you and I firmly adhere.

I ask you:

Would a President worthy of our loyalty have blatantly ignored the U.S. Constitution on his first day in office by violating the Emoluments Clause and refusing to divest himself of his business interests?

Would a President worthy of our support continually trash the ethical standards and safeguards that ALL politicians from ALL parties have adhered to for over 200 years?

Would a President worthy of our respect equate the moral standing of America for which our fellow citizens have fought, bled and died in countless wars throughout our history with that of the most greedy, corrupt and blood-soaked dictator the World has seen in 50 years?

I say this as someone who derives absolutely no satisfaction from witnessing the failure of ANY American President: By every word, deed, and tweet since assuming the Office, Trump has conclusively demonstrated to all of us and to the rest of the World (with the possible exception of Vladimir Putin) that he is completely, utterly, and morally incapable of performing the duties required of the holder of that Office.

This is no longer a political issue.  This is no longer a partisan debate.  This is not a diatribe against Republicans (with whom I have voted on several previous occasions), Conservatives (whose political philosophies I mostly share), or Populists (whose frustrations with the “Status Quo” I currently share).

This has become an existential threat to the country against which we must ALL unite and fight – before the damage to our Nation and its place in the world become irreversible.

I ask that you join the many millions of your fellow countrymen and patriots who clearly see the danger to help us face and defeat the menace we all face.




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