Absolute Necessities OR Noise Level Nonsense?

If YOU were suddenly given ultimate responsibility for the fate of the Free World, where would you choose to focus your time and attention:

Investigating the credible threat that a hostile foreign power posed to the validity of the election OR comparing the relative crowd sizes of your inauguration to those of your predecessors?

Learning all you could about how to harness the relentless forces of economic globalization for the good of the Nation OR harassing, insulting, and bullying the Nation’s closest neighbors and leading trading partners?

Laying the groundwork in infrastructure improvements, educational agendas, and legislative imperatives required to improve the entire Nation’s long term economic growth OR publicly haranguing and brow-beating a few large, successful, public companies over a (very) few thousand, mostly symbolic, jobs?

Listening intently to the dedicated public servants in ALL branches of government who have made it their life’s work to ensure the Nation’s well-being and security in an oftentimes hostile World OR Tweeting about the imaginary indignities inflicted on one of your adult children by the free market?

Building trust, credibility, and goodwill among the large majority of citizens who chose not to vote for you OR repeating baseless claims about massive voter fraud ad nauseum until even the minority who did vote for you wishes that you would just be quiet?

Honoring your oft-stated commitment to govern openly, honestly, and fairly by releasing your tax returns (as explicitly promised on several occasions) and divesting yourself of myriad business interests which constitute a blatant conflict of interest and which stand in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution OR callously labeling those courageous individuals who seek to hold you to those promises as liars and purveyor’s of “Fake News”.

Insisting that the individuals whom you appoint as your most trusted advisers adhere to the highest standards of honesty and integrity OR cajoling a spinelessly complicit legislative majority to turn a blind eye to your appointee’s many moral lapses and questionable judgments?

Reaching out to strengthen ties with trusted Allies around the World who share our values and ideals and who have stood by us for over 50 years OR publicly bashing the freely elected Leaders of those great Nations and the solid alliances they have forged with us in favor of the warped world view and kleptocratic regime led by a murderous and dictatorial tyrant?

Building on the noble traditions and democratic ideals upon which our Nation was founded over 200 years ago OR deliberately and systematically trashing those pillars of our democracy for your own narrow, personal interests?

Even the most casual observer of the chaos which has engulfed the U.S. Government starting with the inauguration on January 20 would readily acknowledge that the list above represents only a small fraction of the deadly serious issues which have confronted the country and the less than trivial diversions with which the trumpster has been obsessed during his brief time in office.

What is perhaps even more pertinent and problematic for the future of our Republic is this: If you put the above choices to your favorite five year old, I’d be willing to bet that they would have no trouble at all making the “right” decision in each case.

That our illegitimate leader obviously finds this level of discerning logic and level-headed judgement to be far beyond his (admittedly limited) mental abilities is perhaps the most damning evidence arguing against his continued occupation of the Oval office.


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