Die Hard Democrat Or Sore Loser?

Neither, actually:

As a matter of fact, in the nine previous presidential elections in which I have been privileged to cast my vote, I went with the Republican candidate four times, the Democrat four times and an Independent candidate once.  So, I think you can see that I am legitimately a “middle-of-the-road” type with no strong preferences for either of the political parties and no “hidden agendas” to pursue.

I think it is also worth noting that although my preferred candidate was not the winner in four of those previous elections, I had no problem at all accepting the results of those elections and lending my full support to the elected President.  Every single one of those previous 20+ candidates, of all political persuasions, clearly demonstrated in words and deeds their commitment to the Constitution and their genuine, unselfish desire to do their best for our Nation and ALL of its citizens.

To paraphrase the words of “Uncle Joe” Biden, I often questioned their judgement, but I never had cause to question their motives.

THIS Time, however, it IS different:

Throughout his campaign, during the transition, and even more stridently since January 20, Mr. Trump has repeatedly demonstrated his utter contempt for the lofty ideals enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.  The principles of Equality Under the Law and individual Liberty are either completely foreign to him or he has judged them to be unworthy of his time and attention.

His track record, stretching back more than 50 years, is highlighted by criminal discrimination against minorities, fraudulent business dealings and atrocious conduct towards women.  This history provides concrete proof that he lacks the strong moral character, unassailable integrity, and even the basic sense of decency that our Nation’s founder’s considered to be pre-requisites for any President.

The blatantly illegal and continuing conflict of interest between Mr. Trump’s many business holdings and his duties as our President cast serious doubt on his ability (or even his desire) to govern openly, honestly, and fairly.

Even more egregious is the increasingly obvious role played by Russia in thwarting the will of the American electorate and criminally interfering in our democratic process for the benefit of their “preferred” candidate.  In my view, this is the most troubling and the most damning of all the factors arguing against recognizing Mr. Trump as our Nation’s legitimately elected President.

In light of these circumstances, I believe it to be the duty of all concerned citizens to resist by all peaceful means this obnoxious “pretender to power” and his increasingly reckless policies.

This blog represents my best effort to do just that.






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